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How do you keep attending school, when all public life is stopped and all schools are closed? The answer is distance learning, an ingenious way to ’stuff’ information into as many students as you can without having to move.

Since COVID-19 has forced all schools to shut down, we had to get used to new ways of learning and checking our knowledge. It has not been easy and I find myself wishing things were the way they were before.

I and most others (as far as I know), have the most difficulty motivating myself to work. Although the amount of knowledge required is supposedly cut in half, we do not feel that way and we have to study more for the same mark.

The second problem is lack of contact with some of the teachers. Math teacher is the most stubborn one as she does not arrange any meetings for making things clear and helping those who do not understand certain subjects. And before you ask, we have clearly stated our opinions, wishes and needs but it does not help. Furthermore, she does not even answer many written questions. The problem is, she is not the only one, which makes 3 or 4 subjects hard to comprehend.

The final main problem is getting marks. Writing a test is a nightmare mostly for the teachers because students are cheating left, right and center. Some have accepted that it is what it is but others will probably require us to write a test in school which is a whole other can of worms. Nevertheless, at least taking a verbal exam is still rather similar to taking one in school, as long as you have good internet and a webcam.

What could the solutions be? Well its complicated, but the main one is rather obvious. I think we should simply skip some ’less important’ subjects. By that I mean not get marks this year but rather getting them at the start of next year. By doing that, we would have more time and energy to devote to math, physics, Slovenian, chemistry and biology. I think everyone, including teachers, would be happier, less stressed and learn more and is not school all about that?