Ida: Distance learning

DISTANCE LEARNING BRINGS OUT THE BEST AND THE WORST IN STUDENTS In my opinion it all depends on the manner in which students pace ourselves. Probably I am coping with distance learning in different ways then some of my schoolmates does. What about you? How do you cope...

Ida: Information day

INFORMATION DAY AT JESENICE GRAMMAR SCHOOL INTRODUCTION This report presents information day at Jesenice grammar school. As a student at Jesenice grammar school. I will present the purpose, the organisation, the course of the day, the opinion of the participants and...

Ida: How coronavirus affects life at Jesenice grammar school?

HOW CORONAVIRUS AFFECTS LIFE AT JESENICE GRAMMAR SCHOOL INTRODUCTION This report discusses how coronavirus affects life at Jesenice grammar school. As a student of Jesenice grammar school, I will present the situation, the organisation, the problems and my personal...